Ann Marie Davis, minister, Unity Church “Danyelle is a woman of clear intuition. She really cares about the people she works with. I highly recommend the work that she is involved in. She is dedicated, compassionate and of high integrity.”
Susan Smith , H.R. manager “Danyelle is extremely intelligent, has great intuition about the real issues and is very compassionate, supportive and committed to people. She genuinely cares”
Andre Houle, Executive Vice-president Dessau-Soprin Inc. “Danyelle’s ability to adapt, her understanding of human beings, the ease with which she communicates and her intuition make her a wonderful transformational coach”
Robert Beaudry, Board president ATMPRQ “During our coaching sessions, I was often moved to tears by what she enabled me to see and moved to act on it. She has demonstrated an incredible clarity, a wide knowledge of psychology and an ability to be compassionate without judging”
Joan Peet, Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist (APRN) “I am in the second year of Danyelle’s Self-Mastery Program. Working with Danyelle has been a life changing experience in many ways. Most importantly, she has been the only practitioner to help me be aware of and identify the underlying shame that had kept me trapped in old and unhealthy ways of relating. I am so much freer. Danyelle has created many tools to become transformed. The one most valuable to me is the tool which separates fact and judgments. It enabled me to remain in the present, see my ego at work and not act out of my childhood wounds. Another one that has had a real effect has been meditating by experiencing staying in the body. I have developed more awareness of my thoughts and feelings and the ability to just experience them. Danyelle is brilliant and authentic as her teaching comes from her own experiences of healing.”
Davina Short BSN “Participating in the Self-Mastery program with Danyelle is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Using the tools given to me in the course has made a dramatic difference in both my personal and professional relationships. I have learned the difference between making decisions based on facts vs judgments which allows me to be more in control of my emotions and better able to accomplish those tasks at hand and not fear what others think of me. I now live and work with the knowledge that I am in control of my experiences, not others, and I can decide how and what I want to do. By taking control of my thoughts and feelings I have become a more joyful and loving person and am living my life fully and completely in the present. My husband especially has noticed and commented on how much I have changed and how he is enjoying the person I have become. ”“Thank you Danyelle and continue the wonderful work you are doing.”
Duane Karr, Registered Massage Therapist, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, Certified Bones For Life Teacher “I have been working with Danyelle Beaudry’s Self Mastery program for only eight months and I am so pleased to be moving beyond things I thought I would take to my grave. My husband has said this program is the most effective of all the things I’ve done to come back from brain surgery and a stroke. He is ecstatic that I’m doing this program.”
Donna Maloney, pharmacist “My journey with Danyelle has been so many things; deeply explorative, challenging for sure, hard work – absolutely, and above all…LIFE CHANGING!! Danyelle’s program has taught me to own ALL of my life experiences, recognize when I’m in reaction (and more importantly, how to pull back and process whatever it is that’s going on with me), and how to separate facts from my judgments and perceptions. This work has provided me with all the tools I’ll ever need to live a grounded, more peaceful life, to fully experience all of my emotions understanding that they are ALL useful, and to live in conscious alignment of mind, body, heart and spirit. I am so very grateful to Danyelle, and to myself as well for choosing to do this work, for allowing myself to go deep, for keeping my commitment to allow healing of old wounds on a deep and profound level, and for keeping an open mind. Danyelle’s wisdom and her uncanny ability to get to the heart of the matter are truly a gift worthy of experiencing…I’m so glad I said YES!”